Chart of Accounts



Enhance your financial management capabilities with our Chart of Accounts module, designed to provide a structured framework for organizing your financial transactions. This module empowers you to input Accounts and seamlessly integrate them with the Items (Products & Services) module, ensuring comprehensive tracking and reporting of your financial activities.

In the Chart of Accounts module, you can include the following details for each Account:

  • Account Number
  • Account Type (Income, Expenses, Bank, Asset, Credit Cards, Liability, and Equity)
  • Sub-accounts
  • Tax Form Section
  • Balance
  • Description

By categorizing your Accounts and assigning relevant details such as Account Type and Tax Form Section, you can effectively classify and track your financial data. Whether it’s managing income, tracking expenses, or monitoring asset and liability accounts, our Chart of Accounts module provides the tools you need to maintain accurate and organized financial records.

Utilize Cloud PM’s Chart of Accounts module to establish a solid foundation for your financial management practices, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive the success of your business.

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