

Standard Features
Unlimited ProjectsYesYesYes
Unlimited Users & EmployeesYesYesYes
User Permissions (global and per project)YesYesYes
Address Book (Standard, Customers, Vendors)YesYesYes
Address Book Categories and ClassificationsYesYesYes
Subcontractor Management
(offices, document upload, company rating)
Contracts & Subcontracts ManagementYesYesYes
Project SharingYesYesYes
Subcontractor & Architect Project PermissionsYesYesYes
Request for Information (RFI)YesYesYes
Proposal for Change Order (PCO)YesYesYes
Daily ReportsYesYesYes
Bid ManagementYesYesYes
Project Files SharingYesYesYes
Tasks and RemindersYesYesYes
Expediting ReportYesYesYes
CSI MasterFormat Numbers & TitlesYesYesYes
Billing/Accounting Features
Progress BillingYesYes
Application and Certificate for Payment AIA G702*
Schedule of Values AIA G703*-YesYes
Export Schedule of Values to an Invoice-YesYes
Chart of Accounts-YesYes
Products, Services, Bundles, Categories, Classes-YesYes
Integration with QuickBooks Online***--Yes


* Licensed AIA Forms bundle (AIA G702 & AIA G703) is available for purchase through Cloud PM with a significant discount.

**Invoices and Expenses can be generated within the system, but currently they can only be printed or saved as a PDF through QuickBooks Online.

*** QuickBooks Online integration is available at no cost for both existing and new QuickBooks accounts, with the option to purchase new QuickBooks Online account through Cloud PM.

Experience seamless integration with QuickBooks Online for enhanced financial workflow efficiency. Subscribe now and enjoy exclusive discounts along with an additional 2 months of free access to Cloud PM. Simplify your success and propel your business forward.

If you’re currently using another accounting software, rest assured – we’ve teamed up with a top-tier company specializing in seamless Data Migration to QuickBooks. Your transition is worry-free as all your data will be effortlessly transferred to QuickBooks Online, ensuring a smooth and efficient migration process.

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