Requests for Information


Cloud PM simplifies the organization and processing of all Requests for Information (RFIs). With our user-friendly application, you can easily create and email RFIs directly from the platform. You can also grant permissions to Subcontractors and Architects to upload their questions and answers. With automated reminders, you’ll always receive timely responses to your RFIs, streamlining the RFI process and ensuring efficient communication across all project stakeholders.

  • Assign Specification Number & Title to each RFI
  • Assign Subcontractor or Material Supplier
  • Create RFI Cycles
  • Enter Question & Answer for each RFI
  • Enter Sent/Received dates and upload files for each Cycle
  • Set RFI Status (Draft, Open, Closed)
  • Create RFI Transmittals
  • Email the Transmittals and the Files straight from the module
  • Create Transmittal Logs sorted by RFI Status, Specification Number, RFI Name etc.

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